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I finished the game 

It was beautiful aren't fun 

Thanks for making it 

And I have a question that might seems a bit rude 

(Do you know another foot fetish game that I can play on my phone even if it was nothing like your's I only want a feet game)

But honestly I don't like rbg game's but I loved your's not for the foot contant 

It was really fun but ( the feet was something else 😄)

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Not rude at all.

On this website specifically, I'd recommend tastysox and his games.

Other than that I've encountered one other game I could recommend, but it was download only and only posted on deviantart. (Little difficulty made by jellytea819 )

Guys I'm stuck what I have to do after killing the demons

And to know I made the deal with the demons

After that you go back to the hermit. You can also stop by the temple on your way back.

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I'm at the docks and when I talk to the smuggler about the boat nothing happens. Do I need to buy something from him to give me a boat?

He doesn't give you an ACTUAL boat. :v The phrase is just for him to let you trade with him.

tell me how to get to the docks? if possible, be more specific, since I already read that after the rich man on the left there is a house, there to talk and that’s it, I talked to him, the guards won’t let him into the docks.

After you've done the graveyard quest go talk to the rich man, after you talked with him and got your reward right next to his house is another building with a sign saying "inn" go talk to the bartender about the docks and he will let you go to the docks through his fireplace( which is also inside the inn). Hope this helped

I arrived at the docks, and now what do I do?

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Find the swordsman in tavern to get the key to the cliffside temple.

(I'm assuming you've spoken to the hermit already.)

Okay, we sorted out one problem, another one has appeared, what to do with the giantess?

The Giantess fight is just a long bad ending no chance of victory.

Please just help me to pass the trial 


(Spoilers for anyone who is doing it themselves.) In the trial, always object never wait for anything.

Objection 1: Show them the key (to let them know it is a job)

Objection 2: Let them know that you got permission from the head guard to go into the graveyard.

Objection 3: Show them show the dark orb that was dropped from the wraith.


I was doing the first two right but I don't know what to do in the third 

Скажите, что тут нужно сделать? Я уже час не могу понять, чего они от меня хотят.

I have done everything I can do in the trial and I didn't made it what I have to do 😭 😭

I do not know how to get to the docks. I completed all the side quests, talked to every resident, but no one gave me a key to enter the docks.

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When you finish the quest to graveyard and get your reward from the rich man after the trial. Go to the left where the bar in the rich area is and ask about the dock to the bartender.

What I have to do in the trial I always get guilty and sent to the slavery


(Spoilers for anyone who is doing it themselves.)

In the trial, always object never wait for anything.

Objection 1: Show them the key (to let them know it is a job)

Objection 2: Let them know that you got permission from the head guard to go into the graveyard.

Objection 3: Show them show the dark orb that was dropped from the wraith.


How i suppose to defeat the wraith if it don't take any damage 

I found a staff and used magic and killed him but what I do when I go out I can't beat the guards and I can't do anything in court I always found guilty what I do


What is your M. Attack Stat with the staff equiped? if it is too low (like 9) it won't do anything.

I killed him but when I go out form the graveyard they put me in a trial and all I always found guilty what I have to do in the trial so I get out

If you fight the guards you will always be found guilty.

You only stand a chance in court if you come quietly and explain you're not a grave robber.

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I feel like I am hitting a wall with the dock situation with guards blocking the ship.

I went to get a form for a gag quest where the guard crumples it (was still pretty funny quest). How can I solve this or where should I go?


The ship situation is a non-starter. It resolves itself as the plot goes on.

But hey, you got a nice scene with a Mayor out of that, so it's a win-win.

Ah gotcha. True lol!

how i get this 


If you lose against the dark priestess in the Alva shrine, there's a whole sequence with this image involved.


The game is really fun but If you could make an Android version even for 5$ I will buy it 

Cuz i know making it on Android is hard put playing it on browser delete the save file's sometimes

Honestly, if I knew how, I would.

I tried making an android version with Android Studio, but failed miserably.

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Can you make an Android version because when I play on the browser, I lose the progress

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Thank you making this game!!!
I really enjoying it so far.

I really like the fact, I can easily go back and see something I missed or haven't done yet.

How to find the runaway slave for one of the help desk lady quest?

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Well, I believe the lady tells you he ran away into sewers, so checking them out whenever you happen to cross them in the story would be a start.

Glad you're enjoying the game!

Just found them thank you!

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I'm in the part where I'm going to leave the tomb and I encounter many guards at the same time. Does anyone know if it's possible to do this or if I have to do something different? (or some recommendation from someone who has already done this)

Any recommendation ?


If you're having trouble with combat, trying out a different build could be a good idea. If you don't have the money for it, you can try some side quests at the city hall.

Any recommendation ?

In general you can't go wrong with the cloak of speed. If you're a warrior type combining it with shirt of rage can be pretty OP. (Both are availible at the shady spot inn, though they're rather costly.)

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Is there any bad ending related to the fortune teller? (Personal favorite)


Kinda. If you take the demon's deal, and visit the fortune teller in Act III.


Is the shieldmaiden even beatable? I took the quest from the merchant in front of the tavern, cleared the dungeon by killing the wraith and was attacked by the guards and the shieldmaiden. I think inflicted her more than 2500hp but she won't die, is that scripted or should I keep trying?

this is a very good question because i am also stuck at this stage with shieldmaiden

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Technically possible, but you end up getting surrounded and arrested either way, with a certain guilty sentence. The only real way to progress is let them take you in without causing trouble, and then defending yourself in court.

(The fight is still there as a possibility, but ,,lorewise" you'd be fighting right next to the guardhouse and palace, so you get overwhelmed by taking them all on.)

That sort of unfair battle is possible in like, two or three spots throught the game, but each time the game will basically tell you that you're more or less done for.

I defended myself in court and I now I'm free, the trader gave me the reward and I asked the guy in the tavern about the docks, he agreed to help me but now I don't know what to do. I spoke to everybody in town.


To get to the docks you gotta enter the fireplace. He opened the path for you if you've already spoke to him after getting the trader's reward.

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I've been fighting the giantess for an entire hour, and she won't die. Is she a beatable boss? Is she supposed to be beaten? If no I just gave the paper from the ogre dungeon to the commoner, how do I proceed with the game? I've check the whole map to see if there's anything to do, but I can't find the solution. 

idk where you are in the main quest, if you've already reached the docks speak with the people in the tavern, one of them will give you the key to open the cliffside dungeon.

If you haven't reached docks yet, do the quest for a merchant that lives in front of the inn at the center-west market zone.

(I assume you've at least talked with the hermit that lives outside the west gate.)

The whole guard/giantess sequence is just one large bad ending, there is no hope once you pick it.

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Thank God I saved before doing it,  so I reached the docks and did the demon princess quests. I also retrieved the scroll that the nobles hid in the ogre cave.

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If you've already banished the demons and whatnot, you can reap your rewards at either of the temples, and then report back to the Hermit.

As for the scroll, it's one of the sidequests. You either turn it in at the Warm Welcome Inn, or at the City Hall if you value money more.

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Oh ok, in that case I already did all of that, I don't know how to proceed onto act 3. Would you be kind enough to tell me how or give me a tip on how to progress?

Edit: in the end I figured it out, the game was actually such a good story and fetish wise it was also very entertaining, man I didn't expect it to end there, I really would love a sequel to this game. Surprisingly gonna be una of my top 10 games.

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How do you get to the docks? I talked to the Satina person in the place for 200g and just am confused on what to do next/how to get to the sewers?

edit: oh never mind lol

edit 2: idk what to do next tho, do you have to go to the caves? i'm not sure where they are

For the ,,main quest" you gotta speak with the black haired beardy dude in the docks tavern, then open the gate at the cliffside, near to where the hermit lives.

Caves are one of many side quests you can do for the city hall. If you've already taken the job, then you can meet the guard that's going to show you the way in the city's outskirts.

I can't get past the aunt, I don't know how to progress at all, are you supposed to beat her or is there something else you need to do?

Please tell me you've at least equipped the sword and robe that are in the house.

If you did, then the only advice I can give is trying out strong attacks whenever possible.


Does purchasing the house unlock any scenes or is it just a waste of money?

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I was at the docks and they told me to go to the measure, when I got there he wrote to me that the measure was dissatisfied and would not allow me into the room, what should I do next?

Nothing, really. This is a bait quest cause the guard captain is an ass. Even if you lick the mayor's feet and get the permit it doesn't give you anything.

Deleted 56 days ago

Загрузи игру, или выпей <<диспел потион>>.


I just finished the great game! just a shame that at the end no more choices or pitfalls linked to the feet ;-; , and if not people have other games of the same kind!?


I'll definitely make some other title like this in the future, even if in a completely different setting. Thanks!


Hoo nice ! really looking forward to seeing the next titles


Just finish the game, is act 3 are last? Totally caugh me of guard when a character from GT appear lol. It shame that some route are force you to game over, like when you manage to defeat the giant but still get game over.


Yeah, I mean I could make some of the more elaborate endings shorter, but people wanted to have a few longer ones after the demo. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. :v


im on mobile and when i save, then leave my phone for lets say 40 minutes, then reopen the window, i cant continue using my last saved progress


Sounds like a problem on the website part, or the device.


I want to preface this by saying this game is amazing. However, I feel like I'm locked out of experiencing most of the content because every enemy is way more powerful than me in every way. They can all attack and heal in one turn while I can only do one action per turn. I end up being in a constant loop because I keep getting down to 30 health, healing, then getting back down to 30 health because I can't attack after healing. Maybe I just suck at this game (that's probably what the issue is) but is there any way I can just experience this game without being blocked by nearly impossible combat encounters?


Equipment choices make all the difference between making it a pure grindfest and being an OP demigod. If you're already in Act II I'd personally recommend some of the stuff sold by the hat dude in Shady Spot Inn.


at the start I was so comfortable with the idea of being auntie's foot slave that I didn't even get that you can go out and explore


I'm stuck at the city and I don't know what to do would've be good if we had a bar task to see all the quests to do.


I thought about making a journal plugin, but it was pure mess. Either way, you can't go wrong with exploring the city. If you've already been at the temple and talked to the hermit by the cliff, then you gotta find a way to the docks.

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im stuck in the crypt, i havent heals and i cant get out. what can i do


Which crypt, the first or the 2nd one?

I just finished the game! it was really good thank you for making this game and having it be free! Is three a act 3 on the horizon?


This one is finished. But I'll definitely make more rpgmaker titles like this in the future.

I have been playing for an hour and I haven't leaved up? is this in intended?


Yep. You get stronger through various buffs while doing side stuff, and mostly by adjusting your inventory. Leveling system would be hell to balance out considering all the side quests you can do at the same time.


i would love to save this game on my pc, cant we get a downable file?


There's a link to free download on my DA post. I could try to make a separate download file here, but I'm kinda scared to mess with the setting now that I miraculously managed to make it work on browser lmao.


Let me know if there's anything wonky about the resolution on mobile devices or any other issues. As for the game itself I'm aware of some minor glitches, but other than that it should be 100% fine.


When you get sold off to the girl after your sentencing, the game bugs after she's says she and her girls have a surprise for you I think


If it's the scene with her maid, you gotta click the gross plate in front of you.

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